Project Description

5 min readSep 20, 2023

In another project based on a real-world scenario, I worked as a Cloud Engineer using DevOps, where I created and implemented an e-Commerce MVP (Minimum Viable Product) on AWS in less than 2 hours and in an automated way using Terraform and Ansible (Infrastructure as Code — IaC).



  • Aws account
  • Magento account
  • Terraforms and ansible knowledge

To address this situation I provisioned the infrastructure in an automated way leveraging Terraform and Ansible to automate the configuration management process, software installation, and package management of the EC2 instance. I also used Magento, PHP, MySQL, and Redis to complete this project.

let’s get to it.

Step 1 Create a Magento free account

Browse the Magento marketplace website at https://marketplace.magento.com/ and create an account. Once done, log in and navigate to MY profile, by clicking the dropdown arrow beside your account name. Create and Save the Public and Private Key from your Magento account.

Copy the key and save it for future use.

Step 2: Install Terraform on AWS Cloud Shell Login to your AWS console open AWS Cloud Shell and install Terraform.

sudo yum install -y yum-utils
sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo https://rpm.releases.hashicorp.com/AmazonLinux/hashicorp.repo
sudo yum -y install terraform

Step 3: Download the Terraform files on AWS Cloud Shell

mkdir final_project
cd final_project
wget https://tcb-bootcamps.s3.amazonaws.com/bootcamp-aws/en/final-project-terraform.zip
unzip final-project-terraform.zip

Step 4: Edit Terraform files | variable

In the aws CLi use nano editor to modify the variables in the main.tf file by replacing the Variable vpc_id and key_name with that of your aws environment in my case I used the default VPC and created a key called sshkey1. Save the file and exit when done.

Step 5: Running Terraform to deploy the EC2 VM: This step should take some time to complete.

cd terraform
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply

You can also check your EC2 and see that the instance was created.

Step 6: Connect to your EC2 instance via SSH

ssh -i sshkey1.pem ec2-user@x.x.x.x

Step 7: Install Ansible in the EC2 VM

sudo yum-config-manager --enable epel
sudo yum install ansible -y

Step 8: Download the Ansible playbooks

wget https://tcb-bootcamps.s3.amazonaws.com/bootcamp-aws/en/final-project-ansible-magento2.zip
unzip final-project-ansible-magento2.zip

Step 9: Edit and save Ansible file parameters

cd ansible-magento2

File: group_vars/all.yml

  • magento_domain
  • server_hostname
  • repo_api_key
  • repo_secret_key

Step 10: Run Ansible to deploy the stack of tools for the e-commerce

cd ..
ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml ansible-magento2.yml -k -vvv --become

This should take about 5 minutes to complete. Just be patient.

Step 11: Testing the E-commerce website

Just copy and paste the EC2 Public IP in the browser.

In some cases, it can take some minutes to get the website available!

Step 12: Setting up the e-commerce:


User: Admin Password: Strong123Password#

(The user and Password of the Magento Admin are available in the file: group_vars/all.yml)

Step 13: Download the ecommerce images and personalize the ecommerce

website. https://tcb-bootcamps.s3.amazonaws.com/bootcamp-aws/en/final-project-images.zip

— Content > Configuration > HTML Head > Edit (Default Store View) — — Default page title: The Clodu Bootcamp Store — — Header > Logo image: The Cloud Bootcamp logo from images — — Header > Welcome text: Welcome to The Cloud Bootcamp Store! — — Cache Refresh (Flush it)

let’s try to add items to the site.

— Catalog > Products > Add product > The Cloud Bootcamp T-Shirt — — Price: 80 — — Quantity: 100 — — Images And Videos > Add Images — — Save

— Content > Pages > Edit Home Pages — — Click Content > Erase content

— — Insert Widget > Widget type: Catalog New Products List > Insert Widget

Take note, if you run into an error trying to upload an image to the side, follow the instructions in this link to troubleshoot



Step 14: Check if the customization is in place click on the drop-down menu beside admin and select customer view.

Bravo deployment was completed successfully.

Final step

Remove the resources deployed via AWS Cloud Shell

(If needed, re-install the Terraform following the same steps used previously)

cd ~/final_project/terraform
terraform destroy

The Cloud Bootcamp Team

Links: Ansible Documentation: https://docs.ansible.com/ansible-core/devel/user_guide/index.html




Written by Blaise NGWA SHU

Devops | DevSecOps | Cloud Architect

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